Raising Awareness of Sleep Apnea through Marketing Merger

Raising Awareness of Sleep Apnea through Marketing Merger

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Miami, Fl (Vocus/PRWEB) March 16, 2011

Sleep Group Solutions nationwide phone referral service, 1-800- SLEEPLAB is the largest directory in the sleep industry, connecting patients with sleep professionals in their respective zip codes.  With sleep apnea on the rise, and over three-quarters of Americans suffering from sleep related problems-SGS saw an even greater need for heightened OSA awareness.  Online giant, SleepTest.com and 1-800-SLEEPTEST have a similar initiative in mind.  The two entities found power in numbers, and joined forces for a nationwide phone and online referral program which directly connects the OSA sufferers with a Sleep Medicine professional in their area.  

Rani Ben-David, president of Sleep Group Solutions launched 1-800-SLEEPLAB last year, the  largest directory in the sleep world, includes; neurology, cardiology, ENT’s, dentists and sleep physicians.  The successful directory made sleep world history, as it directed patients suffering from OSA to get proper treatment.  SGS saw an opportunity to connect more people with sleep professionals, by a simple merger of 1-800-SLEEPLAB with 1-800-SLEEPTEST and SleepTest.com.  “The merger seemed natural.  Until now there was no directory for everybody, both dentists and consumers.  Now, depending on where the call to 1-800-SLEEPTEST originates, they will be connected  straight to participating sleep professionals within a certain radius of their zip code.”  Rani Ben-David comments on the merger and operations.

SleepTest.com is an online resource dedicated to educating the public on sleep apnea and related sleep disorders.  The goal is to offer free preliminary screening that can help identify any potential sleep problems.  This Sleep Test is quick and easy, and can be completed in about 5 minutes.  After the info is filled out, if you choose, your results can be reviewed by a board certified sleep doctor at no charge.  You also have the opportunity to meet with a doctor in your local area for a free consultation.  If the telephone is more your forte, call 1-800-SLEEPTEST and be connected directly to a dentist treating sleep apnea. SleepTest.com is now offering assistance to patients who suffer from sleep apnea and cannot tolerate a CPAP mask. By offering CPAP alternatives, SleepTest.com can link any sleep apnea sufferer to a local dentist treating patients with innovative oral appliances. “We are extremely excited about the merger, Sleep Group Solutions is a leader in many of the facets of the sleep industry. 1-800-SleepLab and SleepTest.com will now be a vast resource for sleep apnea patients and doctors across North America.” Mentions Elias Kalantzis, CEO of 1-800-SLEEPTEST and SleepTest.com on the merger.


About Sleep Group Solutions

Sleep Group Solutions is an airway diagnostic technology company serving the needs of physicians and dentists interested in screening, diagnosing and treating sleep apnea and other upper airway disorders.  Sleep Group Solutions offers the latest screening and diagnostic equipment solutions for patients who present with allergy, sinus congestion, rhinitis, deviated septum, nasal polyps, snoring and sleep apnea. Most procedures are reimbursed by Medicare and private insurance.  SGS offers the most comprehensive dental sleep medicine CE seminars in the industry focused on teaching dentists the protocols needed to make the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea part of their practice.  SGS is the manufacture of the Eccovision Pharyngometer / Rhinometer.

About SleepTest.com

SleepTest.com  is a great online resource dedicated to educating the public on sleep apnea and related sleep disorders.  Our goal is to offer you a free preliminary screening that can help identify any potential sleep problems.  This Sleep Test is quick and easy, and can be completed in about 5 minutes.  After you fill out your information, if you choose, your results can be reviewed by a board certified sleep doctor at no charge.  You also have the opportunity to meet with a doctor in your local area for a free consultation.  Depending on your insurance plan, the cost of an overnight Sleep Test can be completely covered. For patients who already suffer from sleep apnea and cannot tolerate the CPAP therapy, SleepTest.com offers innovative CPAP alternatives.



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